www.gusucode.com > Mobile Robotics Simulation Toolbox 工具箱matlab源码程序 > Mobile Robotics Simulation Toolbox/examples/matlab/multirobot/mrsSwarmTeams.m

    %% EXAMPLE: Multi-Robot Swarm Behavior
% Copyright 2018 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Create a multi-robot environment
numRobots = 50;
env = MultiRobotEnv(numRobots);
env.robotRadius = 0.15;
env.showTrajectory = false;

%% Create robot detectors for all robots
detectors = cell(1,numRobots);
for rIdx = 1:numRobots
    detector = RobotDetector(env,rIdx);
    detector.maxDetections = numRobots;
    detector.maxRange = 10;
    detector.fieldOfView = pi/2;
    detectors{rIdx} = detector;
env.plotSensorLines = false; % So the sensor lines don't dominate the visuals

%% Initialization
% Number of robot teams
numTeams = 5;  
env.robotColors = repmat(hsv(numTeams),[ceil(numRobots/numTeams) 1]);
env.robotColors = env.robotColors(1:numRobots,:); % Truncate colors in case there are unequal teams

sampleTime = 0.1;              % Sample time [s]
tVec = 0:sampleTime:25;        % Time array                

% Initialize poses randomly, and add bias to each "team"
poses = [10*(rand(2,numRobots) - 0.5); ...
angleBias = 2*pi*(1:numRobots)/numTeams;
poses(1:2,:) = poses(1:2,:) + 2.5*[sin(angleBias);cos(angleBias)];

%% Simulation loop
vel = zeros(3,numRobots);
for idx = 2:numel(tVec)
    % Update the environment
    env(1:numRobots, poses);
    xlim([-8 8]);   % Without this, axis resizing can slow things down
    ylim([-8 8]); 
    % Read the sensor and execute the controller for each robot
    for rIdx = 1:numRobots
       detections = step(detectors{rIdx}); 
       vel(:,rIdx) = swarmTeamController(poses,rIdx,detections,numTeams);
    % Discrete integration of pose
    poses = poses + vel*sampleTime;


%% Helper function: Robot Controller Logic
function vel = swarmTeamController(poses,rIdx,detections,numTeams)
    % Unpack the robot's pose and team index
    pose = poses(:,rIdx);
    teamIdx = mod(rIdx,numTeams);

    % If there are no detections, turn in place
    v = 0;
    w = 2;
    % Else, turn towards the average of detected robots on the same team
    if ~isempty(detections)
        validInds = find(mod(detections(:,3),numTeams) == teamIdx);
        if ~isempty(validInds)
            % Take the average range and angle
            range = mean(detections(validInds,1));
            angle = mean(detections(validInds,2));
            % Move linearly to maintain a range to the nearest robot
            if range > 0.6
                v = 0.5;
            elseif range < 0.4
                v = -0.5;
            % Turn to maintain a heading to the nearest robot
            if angle > pi/12
                w = 2;
            elseif angle < -pi/12
                w = -2;

    % Convert to global velocity
    vel = bodyToWorld([v;0;w],pose);
